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Salford City Council

Publication Local Plan:
Development Management Policies and Designations Addendum (proposed modifications) Policies Map (February 2021)

The Publication Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations (SLP:DMP) Addendum (proposed modifications) was published on 5 February 2021 and comments were invited on this until 19 March 2021.

The proposed modifications include some amendments to the policies map from that shown at the Publication SLP:DMP stage which are reflected on the map below.

A description of the proposed boundary changes to the policies map is provided on pages 70-75 of the Publication SLP:DMP Addendum (Proposed Main Modifications).

In addition, a small number of minor changes are proposed to the policies map which generally comprise modifications to the Policies Map legend to correct errors. A description of these changes is provided on page 31 of the Publication SLP:DMP Addendum (Proposed Additional Modifications).

The Publication Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations, and an Addendum to it (proposed modifications), were submitted to the Secretary of State for examination on 30 June 2021. All of the information relating to the examination of the plan can be viewed here.

The map provides a searchable facility to identify the Publication SLP:DMP Addendum (proposed modifications) policies and designations that apply to any given location within the city. Click on a designation on the map and a pop up box will appear providing a link to the relevant policy in the Publication SLP:DMP Addendum (proposed modifications).

Use the buttons in the top corners to:

  • Zoom iconZoom in or out
  • Search iconSearch for an address
  • Layer switcher iconChange the information that you can see on the map by clicking on the symbol in the top right hand corner of the map. This allows you to switch on and off the proposed site allocations and designations. To view all of allocations and designations on the map click ‘switch all layers and reset map’ at the top of the drop down box.

If you are having problems viewing or using the map, please email

Salford City Council, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford, M27 5AW
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